
After Warwick retired in 2005, it was recognised that the orchestra was attracting players from further afield than Tauranga, and it was decided to rename the society as Bay of Plenty Symphonia Inc. While the name remains, the constitution was amended significantly in 2014, with management responsibilities reverting to a Committee which now oversees all the administrative and organisational activities associated with running the orchestra and concert performances. Our playing members – non-professional musicians with busy lives of their own – not only provide their musical expertise but also assist with many essential tasks, alongside some dedicated non-playing members.

In recent years the orchestra has benefitted from a succession of music directors, including Mal Brady, Grant Langdon and Justus Rozemond as well as a number of guest conductors. Since Justus’s appointment in 2012, the Symphonia’s repertoire has become significantly more challenging and interesting and our musical achievements have blossomed.